This blog is dedicated to Harlan, a minor character in Stargate who tried to make the SG1 team "better" by recreating them as robots.
The robots weren't impressed. They wanted to be interplanetary exploers, not copies. The real SG1 weren't impressed either. They were interplanetary explorers and didn't want theire healthier cleverer copies messing round on their patch.
Harlan just wanted to help.
I know the feeling.
Harlan did have a very wonderful and cheerful way of greeting the world. He'd bring his palms together at chest height in a clap and open them above his face, crying out "Kum-TRY-ya" with a very lovely smile. You can't help but love that.
Of course, I can't SPELL that. But that's a minor point.
My ten-month-old baby girl giggles every time we use Harlan's greeting and she usually claps in response. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the ten series of Stargate to see if it has any other secret ways of teaching her motor skills.