Friday, October 16, 2009

White Powder

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the US Republicans read C.S.Lewis.

Or at least saw the movie

WASHINGTON: Conservative Republicans have begun sending bags of salt to Olympia Snowe's Maine office as part of a protest at her decision to break ranks and vote for a compromise version of Barack Obama's health-care scheme.

Salt is used on US roads to melt snow.

''Olympia Snowe has sold out the country. Having been banished to our world after Aslan chased her out of Narnia, Snowe is intent on corrupting this place too. So we should melt her,'' said one of the organisers of the rock salt protest.

Part of me thinks it's an imaginative and witty way to make a point but, you know, it does sound like misogynistic bullying.

And aren't there still security measures in place to stop politicians being sent bags of white powder?