It's so much easier to be a consumer than a participant especially when other people say it so much better and sooner. Much much sooner....
But this image keeps turning up in my inbox attached to my Sydney Football Club (that's ahem the code formerly known as "soccer") update and it bothers me. So better late than never:

It's the promotional image for the new national women's football league - the "W League". This is being billed as a major step forward to have a semi-professional* national women's competition but I'm not sure which bright spark in PR thought this might help people to take women's sport seriously.
I mean, well, they look FABUOLOUS, all glossy bouncing hair and airbrushed make-up. Look how they're jumping for the ball!
But, well, how shall I put this? Has anyone ever tried to play sport with long hair hanging loose? I mean sports where you have to run and chase things like other players and balls - not yoga or chess.
It'd be really hard for them to avoid pulling each other's hair in a tackle.
Or maybe that's the point. It's probably designed to get adolescent boys to go along to matches.
I wonder what they think they get there and see

elite athletes running round playing footy.
Guess I should be grateful they're not wearing bikinis.
* All right, I just think they're paid. It's probably a nominal amount. Considering one of our best national players has recently retired because she can't make a livining from her sport, and the gate prices for the semi finals are a laughable $5 I don't think they can be getting much.
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