Friday, January 23, 2009

Cardigan wearers

The other day a mate at work was admiring my new black gossamer-thin tie-up garment that really can only be described as a cardigan.

Yes, I know it's summer but even if it's 36 degrees outside, it's still cool enough in our building for the finance sector types on other floors to wear their heavy suits with ties and cufflinks. This means that naked arms would spend most of the day covered in gooseflesh. (And no, I don't think whoever is in charge of the thermostat is thinking of the environment or their role in increasing the risk of global climatic disruption.) Hence, cardigan.

She pressed me for details of its cost and where I bought it.

I thought she was being polite.

But no.

Today she admitted that she'd rushed to the shop and bought three of them.

It's great to be a style icon but I'm not sure I want to be queen of the cardigan wearers.

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