Mr Andrew Riemer
Chief Book Reviewer
Sydney Morning Herald
Dear Mr Riemer
Thank you for many hours of enjoyment over the years of reading your thoughtful and erudite reviews. This week-end's review of the Best Australian Essays 2010
was particularly helpful, especially for its comment:
The only disappointment amongst these frequently anthologised writes is so and so's pretentious and condescending demolition of the Minogue sisters. I wonderered: why bother?
This article was orginially published in The Monthly magazine.
I've subscribed to this magazine since it was launched, not without mixed feelings as it has sometimes lost its way and changed editors with great chaos last year. Its fiction selections are very uneven and its poetry choice is woeful but its long essays on politics and crime are often really good and Robert Forster's music reviews are usually the best thing in it.
I had a single issue left on my current subscription after the September issue. The pointless over-long article on the Minogues was enough for me to resolve not to renew. Then of course the October issue was really good so I changed my mind.
Your review made me realise I wasn't alone in disliking this article.
In answer to your question, I think the new young gun editor trying to attract new readers from newstand browsers with his cover.
I'm surprised Rhianna isn't on the current issue.
Yours sincerely
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