So on Wednesday evening, after a long, tiring day and a 30-minute rush hour train trip to a place she didn't want to go, during which trip we had to stand the whole time to be near her stroller because not one of the apparently able-bodied* people had offered us a seat in the limited mobility section near the door, and two avuncular men had encouraged her in boisterousness by asking her name and where she was going and laughing when she jumped, my three-year-old was upset when I accidentally pressed the call button for the lift from the platform (despite knowing that that was her job, what was I thinking? tryng to get out of the crowded train station as quickly as possible maybe?), I told her she could press the button inside the lift instead.
I didn't really expect that a passenger from our carriage would deliberately press the button first then tell my outraged child that she needed a smack for complaining.
At least she didn't administer the smack herself.
* I know some people have difficulty with stairs and don't necessarily have any visible clues of this so I'd never actually ask anyone to move but there is a subset of train passengers who take up the limited mobility seating because they're too lazy to move further into the carriage. Such people annoy me. I vaguely recall a time when I didn't have to travel with a stroller and I could sit in any part of the train I wanted. I always went further into the carriage, not least because there were never any small children there.
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