Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I swore I'd never be a 'don't kids say the darnedest things? blogger' but...

This morning, a conversation about who would be taking her to daycare took an unexpected turn.

'Mummy's taking you because I'm sick.'

'Are you going to die?'

'No, not yet. I'm just a bit sick.'

'But but but you said that you and Mummy are old and when your uncle died you said that he was old and sick and you're sick and when are you and Mummy going to die?

'Don't worry,' I said, 'We won't die till you're a big grown-up.'

'But but but (tears) I don't want you to die!!'

More tears, some sobbing.

'I want someone to love me!!!'

'Oh' I thought 'Don't we all?'

1 comment:

zmkc said...

Please can you do some more posts?